• Theology & Faith,  Thoughts & Meditations

    A Lesson from St. Martha – Following God’s Will for Our Lives Will Bring us Peace

    During the summer we are making our way through the largest chunk of Ordinary Time in the Liturgical year. But one of the coolest things about this time of year is the sheer number of saints’ feast days that we celebrate. July is full of them – Bonaventure, Benedict, Maria Goretti, Kateri, Thomas the Apostle, Mary Magdalene, Bridget of Sweden, James, Joachim & Anne, Martha & Lazarus, Ignatius of Loyola. It’s like a who’s who of sainthood! And it’s as if all my friends in heaven have feasts this month! Let me explain. Maybe you are not familiar with all those names. Until a couple years ago, I wasn’t either.…

  • Prayer Life,  Resources

    How to Develop a Personal Rule for Life

    Plus a FREE ebook, Creating a Life of Prayer, to download at the end of the post! So there I was, about 2 years ago, sitting in a priest’s office, and he explains to me that I need a “Rule” for life. A what?! Are you speaking Latin? I don’t understand what you are saying. A few days before, I had walked into the confessional with our new associate pastor, and he offered to meet with me to give me spiritual direction. I didn’t even know I needed a spiritual director or what one does when meeting with one. But I took him up on the offer. When we met…