The other day a friend told me a story. Her son came home with a note for Santa written by a classmate. She hoped that he could give it to his elf to bring to Santa. The writer of the letter explained that she is a 6 year old Egyptian girl who does not celebrate Christmas, but went on to say that she believed in Santa and asked if Santa would bring her something to show that he is real.
As we laughed about this conundrum that my friend found herself in, she said that Christmas has become such a huge, commercialized thing that everyone celebrates Christmas nowadays, and this little girl was just feeling left out.
Of course, I think she’s correct. We all know many folks who don’t associate with Christianity, but still celebrate the day with a good meal and gifts for family.
Oh, but that’s not really celebrating. They are ignoring the reason for the season, you say. Yes, that’s true, and I appreciate the ongoing effort to keep Christ in Christmas in our commercialized culture.
Yet, her words ring in my ears: everyone celebrates Christmas nowadays.
And I think – today’s Christmas celebrations may be God’s greatest evangelization tool ever. Think about it. Haven’t we seen enough Lifetime Christmas movies to know that Christmas is empty if all it is is sparkly lights and boxes from Amazon and a giant to do list? Our commercialized Christmas celebrations bring to the front and center our longing for something greater.
There is a part in all of our hearts that intuitively knows that something is missing.
It’s the part of our hearts that knows that love is more important than things. It’s the part of our hearts that recognizes the beauty of this season. It’s the part of our hearts that is attracted to the goodness we see in others this time of year. It’s the part of our heart that propels us to search for a purpose in all the glitz and glam.
There is something more here. And the fact that we intuitively know that something is missing is space for God to work, isn’t it?
Like the little girl who wants to believe in the magic of Christmas, there is a part in all of us who wants to believe – not in the “magic” but in the Truth. If our commercialized holidays are any proof, we all long for a perfect holiday – a day filled with Joy, Goodness, Beauty and Love. We long for Jesus and He knows it, even if we don’t.
And the beautiful thing is that He longs for us. Although, He will go on existing, whether we acknowledge Him or not. But He longs to love us. He longs to give us good things. He longs to give us a purpose. He longs to make us new.
At His Incarnation, though no one knew He was in the world, He had already begun the work of our salvation. And just like his quiet entrance to earth 2000 years ago, He is still here among our celebrations, though few realize it. He is still working for our good.
Everyone celebrates Christmas nowadays.
Don’t we all know that Christ can work in any which way he pleases? Do we not trust in the power of Jesus enough to realize that he can’t be erased by a few extra TV commercials? Maybe, just maybe, the King of Kings is excited that everyone celebrates Christmas nowadays.
May you have a Blessed and Joyous Christmas, filled with the Love of Jesus.