• Family & Homeschool Life

    Parallelograms, Participles, and Latin Paradigms, Oh My!

    “When will I ever USE this?!” said every student ever! (This article was previously published in March 2023 on Substack, which I have chosen not to keep up. So, I’m republishing here.) We’ve all heard our children say this as we struggle to help them with their school work. If you’re in the position to be homeschooling, now you have to figure out how to counter their complaint, even while possibly bemoaning why you even have to teach those parallelograms, participles and Latin paradigms!  After all – It is true. Only in very specific scenarios will one ever actually use the knowledge of parallelograms in daily life.  Yet, when we evaluate a lesson…

  • Family & Homeschool Life

    Unplanned Gatherings Are So Good For The Soul

    When I was a child, I grew up on a very busy street, but our yard backed up to homes on a quiet street with no outlet. So my brother and I would hop the fence to our neighbors’ yard, ring doorbells or join the other kids who were already playing. We would play in the street until dark – kickball, wiffle ball, tag, whatever. In the summers, we visited the town pool almost every day, sometimes from open to close. There was always a friend who was also at the pool. We didn’t have to plan ahead. It was a given – someone was there. On Friday evenings the…

  • Family & Homeschool Life,  Theology & Faith

    What if Motherhood Itself is an Act of Mercy From God?

    I recently gave a short talk at a young adults conference on the topic of “Mercy and Motherhood.” I’m sharing that talk here in honor of Mother’s Day. My prayer for all of you is that you know that you are lovable and loved by a very good Father… Sr. Marie Veritas is a Sister of Life. I recently read a piece she wrote about the women they counsel, but her words went straight to my heart. “In the heart of every woman is the longing to be heard, to be understood, to be believed in, and to be seen for her unique beauty and goodness, a beauty and goodness…